


Peacock Philanthropic Counsel Inc. provides clients with experienced management and expert services to guide Canadian charities and staff to fundraising success.
Sound planning ensures your charity remains relevant and responsive to the needs of its community.

Strategic Planning and High Performance Go Hand in Hand

A strong plan of action enables your organization to make the greatest impact on the community your serve, monitor programmatic progress, and report to funders with transparency and accountability.

Peacock Philanthropic Counsel Inc. guides charities in the development and implementation of results-oriented annual objectives, including resource, organizational and Board operating plans.

Comparative Analysis – Analyzing the external environment and benchmarking against similar organizations.

Development Assessments – Conducting audits that identify your potential to compete in the philanthropic marketplace and maximize the capacity to raise money.

Fundraising Plans – Developing comprehensive fundraising and resource development plans that address leadership and human resources, data mining and prospect research, fundraising techniques and aids, and communications and brand awareness.

Enlistment – Ensure your board has the right people with the right skills in the right roles.

Position Descriptions – Provide board members with position descriptions that properly state roles in the duty of care.

Innovation – Creating the stakeholder buy-in that is key to the successful implementation of new ideas.

Strategic Alignment – Aligning fundraising and resource development plans with strategic and operating plans.

Core Factors in Strategic Planning with
Peacock Philanthropic Counsel Inc:

  • Mission, Vision and Core Values
  • Key Issues and Trends
  • Risks
  • Governance
  • Performance Measures/Benchmarking
  • Innovation
  • Marketing and Communications
  • Strategic Direction

Major gifts raise more money for community needs and identified funding priorities at less cost than any other fundraising program.

The Foundation of High-Performance Fundraising and Resource Development

Building individual, personalized relationships with individuals, corporations and foundations that share your organization’s passion and cause has the power to catapult fundraising results while maximizing scarce time, money and resources.

To that end, major gift programs are essential for charities to achieve fundraising objectives, build donor relationships and operate efficiently.

Peacock Philanthropic Counsel Inc. guides clients in all aspects program design, implementation and reporting to accelerate and transform major gift programs:

Case for Support Creating documents that articulate the cause’s compelling need for donor support, and the organizational priorities that will enable your organization to fulfill its mission.

Cultivation/Solicitation Helping you cultivate, educate and involve prospective benefactors to facilitate giving.

Proposal Development Providing approaches and tailored support materials for written proposals to prospective benefactors.

Coaching Training staff and leadership volunteers to optimize performance

Best Practices Sharing best practices in major gift management to maximize donor and organizational outcomes

Relationship-Building – Connecting your organization with community leaders and others who connect with your cause and seek opportunity for involvement

Philanthropic Counsel Inc. offers Interim Management solutions through periods of crisis and/or transitions within the charity.

Interim management adds value by using proven skills and expertise to help deliver an outcome, solution, service or mitigate risk that provides a meaningful return on investment. Operating at or near board-level gives interim management the experience and credibility to effect significant change or transition within the charity. Moreover, unencumbered by charity politics or culture, interim management provides a fresh perspective and is able to concentrate on what’s best for the impact and outcomes of the charity.

Applying proven solutions for favorable outcomes, Peacock Philanthropic services offers:

Placement- Interim management accessibility within days of outreach to minimize risk and maximize productivity

Development- Heightened expertise to design a distinct plan of action in order to competently bridge gaps and eliminate areas of concern

New Perspective- Implementation of strategy and tactics that produce significant return on investments