Leadership Development

Building and maintain a high-performance board of directors is critical for charitable success
Making Leaders

Peacock Philanthropic Counsel Inc. helps organizations streamline operations by enhancing and nurturing a culture of philanthropy and volunteer engagement.

Assess Governance Components

The fundamentals of building capacity

Leadership Assessment

Assessing leadership performance and aligning with the organization’s mission


– Motivate your CEO and Board of Directors to do their very best work

Succession Planning

Succession plan development in a post Sarbanes-Oxley era


Ensure your board has the right people with the right skills in the right roles

Position Descriptions

Provide board members with position descriptions that properly state roles in the duty of care


Board orientation, training and development to produce meaningful fiduciary and strategic engagement

Policy Development

the establishment, review or development of policies and procedures in accordance with the high standards of Imagine Canada’s Ethical Fundraising and Financial Accountability Code


Fine-tuning board performance and honing the leadership skills with impressive success